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#TBT: What's in a name?

We, Lindsey and Lindsey (Fairleigh and Pogue) are faced with an interesting conundrum. We're a "we," as in not simply an "I" or a "me." We are, in our dual nature, as that is the way of things when divided into two people, forced to consider the great and powerful question of dual authorship: Do we use a pen name? In the form of good ol' Shakespeare (Bill or Will or something like that)... What's in a name? that which we call a Lindsey By any other name would smell as sweet; So Lindseys would, were they not Lindsey call'd, Retain that dear perfection which they owe Without that title. Lindseys, doff thy name, And for that name which is no part of thee Take all myself. -Adapted from Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," mostly Brushing aside the awkward question of who is this "myself" of whom we are taking all, clearly Will is pushing for the pen name. We Lindseys (Fairleigh and Pogue) are not so sure. We like being Lindseys. The good bard could easily be mistaken, as he so frequently was with the spelling of (ahem) his own name. We've at least got that part down (it's with an "ey," thank you very much!). What are a pair of Lindseys to do? Shall we embrace our Lindseyness? Or, shall we embrace singularity and don a new name, perhaps as "Rose" or "Romeo"? Ah, "to be, or not to be..." No, but seriously, what are we supposed to do?!? Pen Name Ideas Update: The Lindseys Lindsey & Lindsey L. Lindsey L.L. Lindsey

*Update: We decided to stick with us as individual Lindseys, but it's fun to go back and re-read old posts!

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