Surviving The Ending Handbook: Recipes: Mashed Potato Soup
Note: Becca came up with this one after we had an extreme surplus of potatoes this last September, and it became an instant farm...
Surviving The Ending Handbook: Recipes: Black Bean Succotash
Note: Pantry foods are in surplus and, unless you're out in the middle of the woods, should be easily accessible. If you're really lucky...
Surviving The Ending Handbook: Clothing: Shopping Guide
Dani's Ultimate Post-Apocalyptic Shopping Guide Hey there survivors! So, I know you've been scrounging around in gross places looking for...
Surviving The Ending Handbook: Survival
Jason's Survival Tips (Transcribed by Zoe) Note: This is a list orated to me by my brother (Jason Cartwright) while glaring at me and...
Surviving The Ending: Crazies: Categories and Level of Risk
Zoe's Ultimate Field Guide to Crazies - First Edition Note: I began cataloging this on my journey to meet up with Dani in Colorado....
Surviving The Ending Handbook: Entertainment: Indoors
Keeping Busy (when you're stuck indoors) By Sam and Annie Note: Sam and Annie wrote this list together...with Zoe and Dani's help. This...
Surviving The Ending Handbook: Medicinal: Essential Oils
Dani's Guide to Essential Oils and Natural Remedies Note: The following recommendations are a combination of the knowledge my Grams...
Surviving The Ending Handbook: Zoe's Foreword
It's been two years since The Ending. Two years of struggling with the loss of our loved ones, with our survival and our abilities. We&#