In an Emergency: Dos and Don'ts
Some of the Dos and Don'ts during a disaster are common sense, but you'd be surprised what your instincts might be and why being fully...

In an Emergency: Why I'm writing this blog series
e·mer·gen·cy əˈmərjənsē/ noun a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action. "your quick response in an...

The Story Behind The Book - Publishing After The Ending, Book One
In our last post, After The Ending: The Story Behind Book One, we talked about how The Ending world came to be, what book one looked like...

The Inspiration Behind the Story, Writing After The Ending
This series of blog posts are about Team Lindsey's story and how The Ending Series came to be. Why are we spending time on this? The...

Frequently Asked Question about Team Lindsey and The Ending Series
As most of you are aware, The Ending Series proper has come to a close. Yes, there will be small writing projects here and there,...

New Ending Series Project Announced!
Greetings, Endingers! In case you haven't heard.... Although The Ending Series saga novels themselves are complete, that doesn't mean...

The Co-Authoring Process
Greetings, Endingers! As promised, we've been answering A LOT of reader questions as we get ready to release the fourth and final book in...

Ending Series Fantasy Cast
The Ending Series Fantasy Cast! Endangers cast their votes. Here are the winners...